All things you should know about poverty... How to cure ... How to rescue and how to fight ...

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A poverty trap refers to a situation in which individuals or households are unable to escape poverty due to a combination of economic, social, and structural factors. These factors can create a self-perpetuating cycle of poverty that is difficult to break out of.

One aspect of poverty traps is the lack of access to resources and opportunities that are necessary for escaping poverty, such as education, job training, and financial services. Without these resources, individuals may be unable to find well-paying jobs or start businesses that can help them increase their income.

Another aspect of poverty traps is that people living in poverty may also have to cope with high costs of living, such as high food and housing costs, which can make it difficult to save money or invest in their future. Additionally, many people living in poverty also have to deal with health problems and other issues that can make it difficult to work and earn a living.

Additionally, poverty trap can also be caused by lack of social mobility, where children from poor families have limited access to education and job opportunities, so they find themselves in the same cycle of poverty as their parents.

Finally, poverty traps can also be created by inadequate social safety net programs, which may not provide enough support for individuals and households to escape poverty.

Breaking out of a poverty trap requires a multifaceted approach that addresses the underlying economic, social, and structural factors that contribute to poverty. This may include policies and programs that provide access to education and job training, increase access to credit and financial services, and provide support for health care, housing, and other basic needs.


Poverty can entrap individuals and households due to a combination of economic, social, and structural factors. These factors can create a self-perpetuating cycle of poverty that is difficult to break out of.

One major factor that can contribute to poverty entrapment is a lack of access to resources and opportunities that are necessary for escaping poverty, such as education, job training, and financial services. Without these resources, individuals may be unable to find well-paying jobs or start businesses that can help them increase their income.

Another factor that can contribute to poverty entrapment is the high costs of living that individuals and households living in poverty often have to cope with, such as high food and housing costs, which can make it difficult to save money or invest in their future. Additionally, many people living in poverty also have to deal with health problems and other issues that can make it difficult to work and earn a living.

Additionally, poverty entrapment can also be caused by lack of social mobility, where children from poor families have limited access to education and job opportunities, so they find themselves in the same cycle of poverty as their parents.

Finally, poverty entrapment can also be created by inadequate social safety net programs, which may not provide enough support for individuals and households to escape poverty.

All these factors combined can create a complex web of economic, social and structural issues, which makes it hard for people to break out of poverty and improve their lives.


Recovering from poverty can be a challenging process that requires a multifaceted approach. Some strategies that can be helpful in addressing poverty include:

Education and job training: Providing access to education and job training can help individuals acquire the skills and knowledge they need to find well-paying jobs and increase their income.

Financial services: Increasing access to credit and financial services can help individuals and households build savings and assets, and invest in their future.

Social safety nets: Providing support for health care, housing, and other basic needs through social safety net programs can help individuals and households meet their basic needs and improve their overall well-being.

Economic empowerment: Encouraging entrepreneurship and small business development can help individuals and households increase their income and improve their economic situation.

Targeted policies : Implementing targeted policies that address specific causes of poverty, such as discrimination, lack of affordable housing or lack of access to credit

Addressing systemic issues: Tackling systemic issues such as poverty traps, economic inequality, and inadequate social mobility can help to create a more equitable society where everyone has the opportunity to improve their lives.

It's important to note that recovery from poverty is a complex process that requires a long-term commitment and involve different levels of government, private sector, and civil society organizations. It's also important to consider the specific context and needs of the community, as a one-size-fits-all approach will not work.


It is not necessary or desirable for anyone to face poverty in their life. Poverty can have serious negative consequences on an individual's physical and mental health, education, and overall well-being. It can also lead to inequality and social unrest in society.

Having said that, poverty is a complex issue that is often caused by a combination of economic, social, and structural factors. It is important for individuals, communities, and governments to work together to address the underlying causes of poverty and develop effective strategies to reduce poverty and improve the lives of those affected by it.

It is important to remember that poverty is not the fault of the individuals experiencing it and they should not be stigmatized or blamed for their circumstances. Every person has the right to live a life of dignity, and no one should have to live in poverty.


Poverty can be a complex and persistent issue, and it is not always easy to "cure" in countries that are poor. However, there are various strategies that can be implemented to reduce poverty and improve the lives of those affected by it.

One approach is to focus on economic growth and development, through measures such as increasing investment in infrastructure, promoting entrepreneurship, and supporting small and medium-sized businesses. This can create jobs and increase incomes, which can help to reduce poverty.

Another approach is to provide access to basic services such as education, healthcare, and financial services. This can help to improve the overall well-being of individuals and households living in poverty, and also increase their ability to escape poverty.

Additionally, targeted policies can also be implemented to address specific causes of poverty, such as discrimination, lack of affordable housing or lack of access to credit.

Social safety net programs can also be an important tool for reducing poverty, as they provide support for basic needs such as food, housing, and healthcare. This can help to improve the overall well-being of individuals and households living in poverty.

It's worth noting that, there is no single solution to addressing poverty, and it will require a multifaceted approach that addresses the underlying economic, social and structural factors that contribute to poverty. It also requires a long-term commitment and the cooperation of different levels of government, private sector, and civil society organizations.

A summary about poverty...

Poverty is a complex issue that refers to the state of not having enough resources or income to meet basic needs such as food, shelter, and healthcare. It can have serious negative consequences on an individual's physical and mental health, education, and overall well-being, and can also lead to inequality and social unrest in society.

Poverty is caused by a combination of economic, social and structural factors such as lack of access to education and job training, discrimination, limited job opportunities, lack of access to credit and financial services, high costs of living, lack of social mobility and inadequate social safety nets. These factors can create a self-perpetuating cycle of poverty that is difficult to break out of, creating poverty traps.

To reduce poverty and improve the lives of those affected by it, it requires a multifaceted approach that addresses the underlying causes of poverty. This includes focusing on economic growth and development, providing access to basic services, targeted policies, and social safety net programs. It also requires a long-term commitment and the cooperation of different levels of government, private sector, and civil society organizations.

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